Thierry Henry to Manchester United?! What?!
Could Thierry Henry be on his way back to the Premiership? There is a rumor that Manchester United are interested in signing Henry from Barcelona! What?!! Thierry Henry? TH14?! Arsenal's Hero?!
Even if this is true, he can't do this, he just can't, this would be devastating for Arsenal fans. Henry had said he would only return to England to play with Arsenal.
Here is the thing with me, i expect loyalty, i know that a lot of players could careless and just want a paycheck (Ronaldo, played for Barcelona and Real Madrid and AC Milan and Inter Milan).
When Henry left Arsenal i was very upset (and i'm a Liverpool fan), because i was very grateful to him for all the great football he gave the Premiership. But i understood that is was time for him to go, he had been with Arsenal for years and gave them a lot, and sometimes it just time to move on, as upset as i was i got it, it was time to move on.
But if he would come back to the EPL and play for another club, i would lose some respect for him.
I'm really hoping this is a rumor that has not truth behind it.
So gooners, what do you think of all of this?
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